Following our successful inaugural year the Senior Tigers have now reached the end of year 2.

The year began with Mark Robinson giving his football and cricketing views in January to be followed in February with our first AGM, all the committee being re-elected, and a fun quiz. In March, our last minute stand ins, Mark Greaves and Neil Mann (that well known music hall act) kept us very well entertained with their talk and answers to members queries. Aprils meeting took the form of a visit to the Stadium of Light at Sunderland for a Stadium tour which proved interesting to members in the light of the new Super Stadium in Hull. We were able to meet up with the Sunderland Senior Supporters Association and forge a good friend ship for the future. At the last meeting before the summer break, John Cooper our Stadium Manager explained the problems of his job particularly in the difficult days of the “lock-outs”. At this meeting I had the pleasure of introducing our new owner & Chairman Adam Pearson to the meeting.

After our summer break, we resumed in September with youth team coach Billy Russell addressing the meeting whilst in October PA announcer Martyn Hainstock spoke about his acting career in the TV soaps. David Bond gave a journalist’s point of view to the November meeting and December saw our second Christmas lunch. This was held in the Business Club at Boothferry Park with some 70 members and guests present. We were pleased to welcome Adam Pearson, Brian Little and his wife Liz as guests to a lunch which everyone enjoyed even if it was a little cold.

The annual membership fee of £5 and the proceeds from the raffle represents our income and we have been able to sponsor kit for Mark Greaves, Neil Mann and Matt Glennon and to subsidise the Christmas lunch. Alan our treasurer has produced a balance sheet which will show how we made use of our funds. Alan will be pleased to answer any questions you may have in a moment.

I should like to thank the football club for the use of the Tigers Club for our meetings and Gallaway Electronics for the use of their PA equipment. Thanks also go to all members of the committee for their time and efforts to make the Senior Tigers Club function. With further meetings planned for 2002. I feel I can say the Senior Tigers is continuing to flourish and many friendships have been made.


GORDON TOWSE (Chairman) August 2001